drum sticks for kids Vic Firth


ไม้กลองเด็ก Vic Firth สำหรับเด็กอายุ 3-8 ปี เคลือบสีฟ้า, ชมพู


pink baby blue

Brand : Vic Firth


Vic Firth Drum Sticks (Kids) KIDS (Yong Seng Music)
Kidsticks have been designed to be easy to play for young drum set players.
Designed for young players 3-8 years old and shorter and thinner than normal sticks
Length: 13 "
Coating: Color

More information

Website: https://yongsengmusical.com
☎️ Tel: 02-435 -5364
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yongsengmusic/
Email: yongsengmusical@hotmail.com
Line @: @yongsengmusical
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/vuK3vdWrNrB2
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